Annie has had some terrific posts the last couple days which have really got me thinking. I, too, am feeling overwhelmed these days with three kids in sports, a couple birthdays in the month, a 5th grader graduating from elementary school and all the events that go along with it, year-end gifts, starting a new venture teaching knitting on the side and a part-time job which keeps expanding. How do you fit your knitting in, she asked?
Of course some days it sits idle. But MOST days I knit. I find little bits of time, 10 minutes here, half an hour there when I pick up the needles. Sometimes, after the kids rush out to the bus, I knit a little, or blog or read patterns or sift through my stash. Then I'm ready to take on the day.
I have come to realize that knitting is my island. All day long, I feel the demands of family, community, work tugging at me. Knitting is how I re-fuel. It is something I truely enjoy. It is when I feel the most "me". My husband and kids know this about me. Sometimes they ask me questions, but they know they will not get much of a response. "What are you knitting?". "Socks." It's private.
I do have mixed feelings about taking my knitting to sports and other public events. I found the basketball season frustrating because you have to sit SO close to everyone, and then the conversations start and only a row or two gets done. But with the outside sports I bring my own chair and sit off to the side. I actually noticed that this is what men do at games most of the time. They bring the paper and they watch the game. Period. Their version of multi-tasking. I can relate to that.
Knitting for me is about beauty and creativity and fun and challenge, oh, and self-preservation. Annie, thanks for the inspiration!
Peace Fleece Blueberry Borscht
Contrast Ribbon found at JoAnn
Very well put, knitting is my island too!
Posted by: Brenda | April 29, 2004 at 06:32 AM
Very well put! I didn't realize it until you *said* it, but knitting is my island. It is one of the few things that is just for ME. I love the idea of sitting to the side during practices and knitting-alone. My problem is that I worry too much about what the other mom's think of me. Do they think I'm rude for not speaking to them, etc. I need to take my example from the men. Do they CARE what the others think of them? No!
Thank you for this post :) And, thank you for the yummy pic of the blueberry pf and the ribbon. What, pray tell, is this for? Knitting p*rn?
Posted by: annie | April 29, 2004 at 07:21 AM
Oops! That shouldn't be "mom's", but "moms".
When will I learn to preview before I post?
Posted by: annie | April 29, 2004 at 07:23 AM
Is that the next cardigan?? I need to get out and get some contrast ribbon for my Nordic, who knows when it will get to that point though.
I agree with the sports knitting. at BasketBall games I try to sit as far from crowd so I can still knit. At soccer I can sit anywhere my large collapsing chair will fit. I take it to Baseball games to avoid the bleachers, no chair backs makes for hurt backs! At least I have never received the rude comment Annie did. My response wouldn't have been nice!
Posted by: Chris | April 29, 2004 at 07:25 AM
Your PF with ribbon makes my hands itch (in a good way) for more PF to knit. The color is wonderful and the ribbon a perfect match!
Knitting is the best anchor. It can be private, quiet and introspective or something to share with others as when we KIP. It gets you through the best and worst of times. LOL
Posted by: margene | April 29, 2004 at 08:57 AM
Oh! What is that Blueberry Borscht going to be? (It's so lovely just as it is, in the skein...)
Posted by: Beth S. | April 29, 2004 at 10:38 AM
What a great post. I need my knitting - even just a little every day. Erika isn't in any activity yet where I get to sit and watch (for now, it's still full parent participation) but I expect that one day, I'll be the one thinking about whether it's cool to be knitting at games.... but you know what....... I know I'll do it anyways. I can knit and watch a game.... it's harder to read the newspaper and watch a game. So nobody better give me any nasty comments - I'll have pointy knitting needles. :-))
Posted by: Uli | April 29, 2004 at 11:37 AM
Great post, though if my girls show any interest at all in my knitting, I am eager to share with them. An island when I am really working through a design of my own or the math involved, but I love to have knit buddies, too. I wish just one lived with me! Hey-don't put that zipper in too well, you will be wanting to wear the cardi inside out to show off the ribbon! Hmmm....there must be a way to use it on the outside as well......
Posted by: Teresa C | April 29, 2004 at 01:26 PM
Ooooh, you've got something up your sass-ay sleeve, I just know it! :) that blueberry borscht is wonderful! I could just knit my way through all the colors of PF!
Wonderful thoughts about the joys/pressures of motherhood. I figure as long as we keep in touch with the woman we really are, they will be waiting at the other end when the kids are gone!
Posted by: sandy | April 29, 2004 at 01:49 PM
An island of self-preservation. How true. Excellent words, Mary-Beth.
Posted by: Sharon | April 29, 2004 at 07:53 PM
what a beautiful picture! that yarn and ribbon were made for one another--can't wait to watch what you make!
Posted by: Leigh | April 29, 2004 at 08:29 PM
I know dub you Peace Fleece Queen...can't wait to see what you make out of the Blueberry Borscht.
Posted by: Renada | April 30, 2004 at 10:39 AM
Very nice post. I knit in dribs and drabs as well. If I waited until the end of the day when they were all down for the count, well, NOTHING would get knit. Love, love, love that blueberry borscht! The ribbon is perfect, too. It seems I'll have to make a trip to JoAnn's this weekend for trim. :) Have a good one, MB!
Posted by: Kerstin | April 30, 2004 at 04:35 PM
The yarn and ribbon look gorgeous. Must try some peace fleece soon, I'm only hearing great things about it.
Posted by: Donna | April 30, 2004 at 05:45 PM
What a great post. I need my knitting
Posted by: Account Deleted | September 29, 2011 at 11:20 PM